James Group Hits Rotovegas!

James Group Hits Rotovegas!

James Group living up to the saying “work hard, play hard” last weekend with a team trip to Rotorua in celebration of hitting our quarter 2 target for 2017! Quad biking, Clay bird shooting and thermal hot springs topped with an amazing stay at the Kereru...
Papakura, the New Central South!

Papakura, the New Central South!

As the squeeze on Auckland’s industrial infrastructure and scarcity of development land increases, suburbs such as Papakura are now very much on the map! 10km South of 10 Vernon Street, Papakura, property giants Goodman and Stevenson are working on the Drury South...
Investment 101 Seminar

Investment 101 Seminar

James Group Director David Annan hosted our first Investment 101 Seminar at the James Group office, sharing the ins and outs of commercial property investment with family and friends of the firm. The aim of the seminar is to educate and promote commercial investment,...
Eat My Lunch 2017

Eat My Lunch 2017

James Group getting behind National Volunteer Week by helping out at Eat My Lunch – a local social enterprise that provides over 1,400 school lunches to kids in need daily!